Office cleaning and maintenance is an essential part of running an office and can benefit you and your employees in many ways. Maintaining a clean an organized office is key to maximizing office productivity. A clean office means happier and healthier employees and employees who are happy and healthy in the workplace leads to increased productivity. Organization is a first step you and your employees can take to increase productivity. Paper clutter can reduce productivity and can put your employee’s health at risk. Overtime paper loses microscopic fibers creating dust build up around your office. Dust build up can have many negative side effects. The first being that overtime dust can slow or damage electronic equipment at your desk. Second, dust can create stuffiness and cause allergic reactions which can put your employee’s health at risk. Lastly, where there is dust there is bacteria and in an office germs can spread very quickly between your employees and make them sick. Overall organization equals cleanliness which leads to better health and more productivity.
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