When the weather begins to get cooler we start spending more time inside. When we spend more time inside, stomach viruses, the flu and bacteria can be transferred from person to person more easily. In an office environment germs and viruses can spread like wildfires and losing an employee to sickness can hinder productivity. Office cleaning is a great way to reduce bacteria in the office, but personal hygiene and preventive tactics are also equally important. Here are four tips you and your employees should consider to prevent spreading the flu and sickness in your office.
Disinfect: Germs are everywhere and it is important to keep objects we come into contact with on a regular basis sterile. Office items such as phones, keyboards and doorknobs should be disinfected as these objects can easily transfer germs from one employee to another. We recommend keeping disinfectant wipes at your desk so it is easy to disinfect your workspace.
Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer is an effective way to fight against bacteria and the spread of germs in the office place. You should have a bottle of hand sanitizer at your desk. You should also leave a bottle in your waiting room or lobby so clients and visitors can disinfect and reduce their chance of spreading a bug.
Promote Personal Hygiene: Another strategy you should consider to fight against sickness in the workplace is by promoting personal hygiene. For example, make signs for the restroom to encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Washing your hands will reduce your chance of getting sick and will also prevent the spread of germs in the office.
Flu Shots: Flu season is here and now that we are spending more time inside viruses like the flu can spread quickly. Loosing employees to the flu can hurt productivity and you should encourage all your employees to get a flu vaccination. There are even companies that will come to your business and vaccinate your employees.